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Welcome your emotions and discover your unique genius!

Learning to understand and respect your emotions, work with them instead of against them, and act on their information can change your life. Emotional awareness and integration can bring more balance to your inner and outer life, your friendships, your family, your community, and your workplace.


We can all learn skills for working in partnership with our emotions if we can unpack the negative and oftentimes harmful ideas we have learned about them.


Yes, emotions can seemingly be the cause of our problems when we don’t know what they are or how to work with them. But it’s not the emotions themselves that cause the trouble. It’s how we react (or don’t react) to emotions that can be problematic. The trouble stems from our misunderstanding of the purpose of emotions in our lives, not from emotions themselves.

My work is focused on helping people unlearn most of what we've learned about emotions and relearn emotion-supporting and welcoming concepts, skills, and practices. When we learn to accept, honor, and listen to our emotions, everybody wins!

Welcome to the wonderful world of emotions!

Emotional awareness and integration can bring more balance to your inner and outer life, your friendships, your family, your community, and your workplace.

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